This Summer at Clearwater Marine Aquarium

The Clearwater Marine Aquarium welcomes visitors to learn about the aquarium’s mission to preserve the environment and its marine life. CMA is home to rescued dolphins, sea turtles, river otters, stingrays, and more. Clearwater Marine Aquarium is a working marine rescue center dedicated to inspiring the human spirit through leadership, research, rescue, rehabilitation, and release.

Capybara Meet & Greet:


From June 7th to July 7th, join us for the Capybara Meet and Greets held every day at 11:30 a.m., 1:30 p.m., and 4 p.m. Don’t miss this exclusive opportunity! This encounter includes insights into capybaras’ natural history, a chance to feed and interact with them, and a close-up experience where guests need to kneel, crouch, or sit on the ground to fully appreciate our family of capybaras.

New Experience: Tortoise Treat Time!


Are you ready to dive into the fascinating world of red-footed tortoises? This spring break, join us for a Tortoise Treat Time, a new, exclusive, and interactive experience that brings you up close and personal with these delightful creatures! Watch in awe as the tortoises feast on a diverse diet you can offer them during feeding time, creating a unique and memorable connection with these incredible animals!

Meet Opie!

A new river otter is joining the CMA family! Named Opie, this juvenile male was brought to CMA following a dog attack that injured his eye. Opie has since been deemed non-releasable as he has been habituated by humans and no longer has the instincts necessary to survive in the wild. Following his quarantine period, Opie will be meeting the resident river otters, Walle and Boomer. Be sure to stay tuned for more updates on when you can see Opie at Otter Oasis!

Meet our New Octopus!


Clearwater Marine Aquarium recently introduced its newest resident species, Octopus vulgaris, also known as the common octopus. Discover this amazing new animal on your next visit!

Protect a Sea Turtle Nest with a Personalized Plaque This Sea Turtle Season!

The plaque with your personalized message will be placed at one of our nests for the duration of the 2024 season. In addition to photos of your plaque, you will also receive monthly updates on the nesting season from CMA’s nesting team, and at the end of the season, you will receive an update on your nest as well as your personalized plaque to keep!

Manatee Rehab Center Opening in Summer 2024!


Clearwater Marine Aquarium Manatee Rehabilitation Center is Opening soon. This center will allow CMA to accept manatees recovering from the effects of food and habitat loss, red tide exposure, boat strike wounds, cold stress, and more. Conservation of this species is vital as manatees are vulnerable to extinction and serve an important role in maintaining the health of their ecosystems. This new center will offer manatee rehabilitation and care while giving guests the opportunity to learn more about the species and view stable rehabilitated manatees as they prepare to be released back into the wild.

Funding for this project is made possible by the State of Florida, Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission, Duke Energy Foundation, John H. Prescott Marine Mammal Rescue Assistance Grant Program, and private donors.

Upcoming Events & Programs:

June 7- July 7: Capybara Chillout

June 7-July 7: Capybara Meet & Greet